Modern Prairie x PanCAN

During Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and in honor of the many lives touched by this disease, Modern Prairie has teamed up with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network to support a cause very dear to Melissa’s heart.

In 1991, the world lost Michael Landon to pancreatic cancer. For Melissa, he was a mentor, father figure, and friend. In 2009, the world lost another shining light, the incomparable Patrick Swayze — and in him, Melissa lost yet another dear friend. 

In honor of their legacy and in remembrance of countless others, we ask you to join us in our determination to continue striving toward a future free from this devastating disease.

Join Us in the Fight

The Lavender Bloom Collection

Curated with love by Melissa in a beautiful purple hue, representing pancreatic cancer awareness, we bring you this limited-edition collection.

From your purchase, the proceeds* will go toward supporting PanCAN’s mission to Change the Course for patients with pancreatic cancer.

“I was raised not to hate. I was raised to love and accept all, but I am telling you I hate pancreatic cancer with a passion that is volcanic. I want to wipe this disease out completely. I want it obliterated, globally.

Obviously, this is not a fight I can take on myself and that is why I am so grateful for PanCAN. I can take my anger and use it to support this extraordinary organization.  

PanCAN is truly a one-of-a-kind resource for people whose lives are touched by pancreatic cancer.”

—Melissa Gilbert

In addition to purchasing from the limited-edition Modern Prairie x PanCAN collection, you can support patients and families impacted by pancreatic cancer with a direct donation to PanCAN.

Early detection is critical to increasing survival, but today there is no standard test to find pancreatic cancer early. Learn more and help raise awareness about this disease and the steps everyone can take to be proactive about their health. With your help, we can Change the Course of pancreatic cancer.

Know the signs and symptoms
Know your risk
Know your family history
Be your own best advocate

PanCAN Patient Services

Need support? PanCAN offers free one-to-one support as well as tools and resources to navigate your pancreatic cancer journey.

Get in Touch

*PanCAN will receive the following amounts from the sale of each item: Scalloped Throw $25, Roll-up Sewing Kit $10, Tote Bag $9, Bonnet $8, Pie Carrier $6, Pocket Squares $5.