Melissa’s Corner

Melissa’s Corner

Melissa's Top 5 Favorite Labor Day Activities

Melissa's Top 5 Favorite Labor Day Activities

Labor Day weekend is the perfect little respite right before the weather starts to change, and the holiday hustle-and-bustle begins. Come see our Top 5 Favorite Labor Day Activities, filled...


Melissa's Top 5 Favorite Labor Day Activities

Labor Day weekend is the perfect little respite right before the weather starts to change, and the holiday hustle-and-bustle begins. Come see our Top 5 Favorite Labor Day Activities, filled...

Dutch Hill Farms

Dutch Hill Farms

 We at Modern Prairie have known Sis (Estelle) Mack, owner of Dutch Hill Greenhouses, for several years and have been customers and beloved fans of her and her flowers.  She has...

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Dutch Hill Farms

 We at Modern Prairie have known Sis (Estelle) Mack, owner of Dutch Hill Greenhouses, for several years and have been customers and beloved fans of her and her flowers.  She has...

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Introducing Myers Century Farm

Introducing Myers Century Farm

A multi-generational family-owned dairy farm located in beautiful Western Sullivan County, NY with roots dating back to 1837.   Meet the Family Behind Myers’ Century Farm   There are 4...

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Introducing Myers Century Farm

A multi-generational family-owned dairy farm located in beautiful Western Sullivan County, NY with roots dating back to 1837.   Meet the Family Behind Myers’ Century Farm   There are 4...

1 comment
The Surprising Health Benefits of Knitting

The Surprising Health Benefits of Knitting

Have you always wanted to learn to knit, but felt overwhelmed? We know how you feel, but did you know that there are quite a few health benefits that accompany...


The Surprising Health Benefits of Knitting

Have you always wanted to learn to knit, but felt overwhelmed? We know how you feel, but did you know that there are quite a few health benefits that accompany...

Embracing Our Educators: The Eva Dress Tribute to Miss Beadle

Embracing Our Educators: The Eva Dress Tribute ...

As we navigate life's journey, it's undeniable that educators play a pivotal role in shaping our paths. Their influence, guidance, and tireless efforts often mold us into the individuals we...


Embracing Our Educators: The Eva Dress Tribute ...

As we navigate life's journey, it's undeniable that educators play a pivotal role in shaping our paths. Their influence, guidance, and tireless efforts often mold us into the individuals we...

🌼 Embracing the Ahhhh in August 🌞

🌼 Embracing the Ahhhh in August 🌞

In early 2023, Melissa and her community each chose a single word to set their intentions for the year. Melissa chose ‘Maybe.’ Since then, more than a few lessons have...


🌼 Embracing the Ahhhh in August 🌞

In early 2023, Melissa and her community each chose a single word to set their intentions for the year. Melissa chose ‘Maybe.’ Since then, more than a few lessons have...


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