The Joys of Summer: Outdoor Movie Night Fun with Friends

The Joys of Summer: Outdoor Movie Night Fun with Friends

Ah, summer. There's something magical about this time of year that makes everything feel a bit more vibrant and alive. One of my absolute favorite summer activities is hosting an outdoor movie night with friends. There's nothing quite like setting up a big screen under the stars, sitting by a cozy fire, and enjoying some great films with the people you love.

First things first, setting up the screen is always a fun project. We usually use a large blow up screen that Tim sets up and a portable projector, which works perfectly for our backyard setup. As the sun starts to set, we gather around the fire pit, arranging our chairs and blankets in the perfect viewing spot. There's a special kind of excitement in the air as we watch the sky transform from a warm orange to a deep, starry night.


And of course, what's a movie night without some delicious food? We love mixing up some classics to make the evening even more special. One of our go-to dishes is clam chowder. There's something so comforting about a warm bowl of this creamy, savory soup as we settle in for the movie.

Please note: The white wine in this recipe can be substituted with vegetable oil, chicken stock, and white wine vinegar.

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To add a bit of crunch and fun, we also make homemade cheese straws. These crispy, cheesy delights are always a hit and pair wonderfully with our chowder.

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As the movie starts, the crackling fire and twinkling stars create the perfect ambiance. Whether it's an old classic like "Casablanca" or a modern favorite like "The Greatest Showman," the experience is always enhanced by our outdoor setting. The laughter, the shared gasps during exciting scenes, and the collective sighs during touching moments make the night truly unforgettable.

One of my favorite parts of these evenings is just lying back and looking at the stars during a movie break. There's something so peaceful about staring up at the vast sky, feeling connected to nature and to each other. It's a gentle reminder of the simple joys in life and the importance of making time for moments like these.

As the night goes on, our bellies full and our hearts warmed, I often find myself reflecting on the beauty of these gatherings. They're more than just a fun way to spend an evening; they're about creating memories with friends, sharing good food, and appreciating the little things that make life special.

What are your favorite movies to watch under the stars? Do you have any special recipes or traditions for your own outdoor movie nights? I'd love to hear your ideas and stories!

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Melissa, your whole movie night idea and set-up is absolutely adorable. The food looks yummy amd your description of movie night memories under the stars sounds so inviting. Unfortunately, those of us who live in apartment buildings aren’t able to do this. But I am with you in prairie spirit! My top choices would be tv series….Little House on the Prairie (of course!) and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. I also love the Love Comes Softly series of movies ( which Michael Landon Jr. co-directed).

Vicki Stevens

Two movies I love are “Steel Magnolias” and “Fried Green Tomatoes”. Either would make for a wonderful ladies-only movie night.

Jeanie Schneider

Melissa.. your table setting so cute!! I especially love the containers holding the cheese straws as I was born in Maryland & those crabs on there are so sweet!! I love your recipes & I want to Thankyou for sharing them. One movie I love to watch under the stars is Titanic… Fried Green Tomatoes.. Field of Dreams..Summer Rental.. Hope your evening is magnificent and filled with an enjoyable evening with Friends💕🙏

Deborah Stapf VanCamp

Melissa.. your table setting so cute!! I especially love the containers holding the cheese straws as I was born in Maryland & those crabs on there are so sweet!! I love your recipes & I want to Thankyou for sharing them. One movie I love to watch under the stars is Titanic… Fried Green Tomatoes.. Field of Dreams..Summer Rental.. Hope your evening is magnificent and filled with an enjoyable evening with Friends💕🙏

Deborah Stapf VanCamp

Bonjour Mélissa
Je vous écris depuis la France, super idées devant un filmcomique surtout, moi ce que je déteste, c’est entendre des tas de bruits de bouche lorsque je regarde un film, certaines personnes ne sont pas très classes lorsqu’elles grignotent 😂 mon film préféré est beignets de tomates vertes ❤️ Towanda bonne soirée


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