Let's Take A Tea Break!

Let's Take A Tea Break!

Every morning, as the sun begins to rise and the world awakens, I start my day with a ritual that has become a cornerstone of my life: enjoying a cup of tea. This simple act sets the tone for my day, grounding me and preparing me for whatever lies ahead. There's something magical about those first sips of tea, a moment of calm and reflection before the day's hustle and bustle begins.

Tea has been a part of human culture for centuries, with a rich history that spans continents and civilizations. Did you know that tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water? It's believed that tea was first discovered in China over 5,000 years ago by Emperor Shen Nong, who noticed that boiled water with leaves had a pleasant taste and invigorating effect. Since then, tea has traveled the world, becoming a beloved drink in many cultures.

One of the things I love most about tea is its versatility. Whether you prefer it strong and bold or light and delicate, there's a tea for everyone. This passion for tea inspired us to create our own Prairie blend, a tea that captures the essence of the simple, natural beauty of prairie life. Our Prairie blend is more than just a beverage; it's a connection to the land, a nod to the traditions of the past, and a celebration of the present.

This is our Modern Prairie Signature Tea Nest! It's so unique, lovely and super handy for steeping loose leaf tea!

Get the Recipe for Prairie Fog

One of my favorite ways to enjoy our Prairie Blend is by making a Prairie Fog. This delightful tea latte is a perfect way to start your day or enjoy a cozy afternoon break. Here's how you can make it:

Prairie Fog Recipe:

  1. Bring water to 195 degrees (we recommend 1 tsp of Prairie Blend for up to 12 ounces, 2 tsp for above that).
  2. Steep your tea on the stronger side (3-5 minutes). 
  3. If possible, steam some cream or whole milk (you can add 1/8 tsp of vanilla extract for added flavor).
  4. Add your favorite sweetener (we prefer to use honey).

The result is a creamy, fragrant tea latte that warms your soul and delights your taste buds. The combination of our unique Prairie blend, steamed milk, and a hint of sweetness creates a comforting and indulgent treat that embodies the spirit of prairie living.

Creating our Prairie Blend was a labor of love, inspired by the simple yet profound joys of prairie life. Each sip is a reminder of the beauty of nature, the importance of taking time for oneself, and the joy of sharing special moments with loved ones.

So, why not join me in this morning ritual? Brew yourself a cup of our Prairie blend, make a Prairie Fog, and take a moment to savor the start of your day. Here's to the simple pleasures, the beauty of the prairie, and the love of tea. Cheers!

With Love, Melissa

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Wow! I’ve never seen such big cups! I think I used to have one of those in the 1970s or 1980s, even though I don’t even like hot drinks!

Shirley D. Jackson

Love the Big Cup in Your hand Melissa😍 love the thought behandling all the beautiful things You had created ❣️


Melissa, what a joy and honor and blessing to get your beautiful offers and we love you as a model! I am blessed with each email and wish I could buy it all❤️Thank you for sharing your beautiful line of products and you are such a blessing!

Lisa Reye

The cotton slip that you have it is sold out. Will you be bring more of them back? I love the look so much!

Julie Meidinger
I start every morning with my tea and I use honey too 😃 I will try your brand most definitely ❣️ I’m 4 years older than you and watched the show Every week and I watch the reruns over and over through the years.

I have a t-shirt that reads TI’s a Tea Shirt! With a cup in the middle with a tea tag with a smiley 😃 face on the tea tag❣️ I’d love to send you one😊 😃❣️ you’ve been a “friend” of sorts, as we watched you grow up on the show. You seem to be a down to earth person the kind that people would love to have a hat kind of friend! Thanks so much very much for helping me through some difficult times in my childhood 💜

Kay Lynn Wilson

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