Embrace the Imperfect: A Holiday Season of Joyful Moments

Embrace the Imperfect: A Holiday Season of Joyful Moments

Ah, the holiday season—a time of warmth, laughter, and, well, imperfections. Because let's face it, who among us hasn't had a mishap in the kitchen, whether it's a frozen turkey emergency, a surprise discovery of forgotten gizzards, or a slightly-too-crispy pie incident?

But here's the secret sauce to savoring the season: it's not about the perfectly golden turkey or flawlessly executed pie. It's about the joy found in the imperfect moments, the genuine laughter, and the company of those you hold dear.

This holiday season, consider breaking away from the script. Who says karaoke in the kitchen can't be the star of the show or a scavenger hunt can't add an extra dash of excitement? Embrace the joy in the little things, the unexpected moments that become the stories you tell year after year.

Create new traditions that resonate with your heart and soul. It's not about what you "should" do but what genuinely brings happiness. After all, the holidays are about simplicity, connection, and living in the moment.

Do What Feels Good, Skip What Doesn't

Traditions are wonderful, but let's face it—some may not align with your vibe. And that's perfectly okay. Liberating, even! If there are aspects that don't bring you joy, consider giving yourself the gift of skipping them this year.

Feel the liberation as you release expectations and relish in the enjoyment of the season. Trust us; your holiday experience will be both liberating and more enjoyable.

No Expectations, Only Celebrations

This season, don't burden yourself with a laundry list of expectations. The perfectly set table, flawless dishes, and Pinterest-worthy decorations are not prerequisites for holiday bliss. Release the pressure, savor the simplicity, and relish in the connections around you.  And, if a glass of wine falls into your mashed potatoes, embrace it!  After all, it's the laughter that you'll remember most.

Try it this season, and you won't be disappointed. Embrace the imperfect, relish in the joy of the little things, and create a holiday season that feels uniquely and beautifully yours. After all, the most cherished memories are often the unexpected ones.

Here's to a season filled with warmth, love, and the delightful magic of imperfection! 

We, myself and the team at Modern Prairie, send you Oceans of Love!

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After my divorce, I learned quickly that we make our own holidays. For the first time, I had a custody arrangement and my holidays would never be the same. What would I do when my daughter had Thanksgiving with her father? We alternated Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, how would I spend this time? Melissa talks about breaking away from the script and creating new traditions that make you happy and that’s exactly what I did! I created my own version of “Friendsgiving” inviting others for dinner and games! I host TWO Thanksgivings, one a traditional, American Thanksgiving and Canadian Thanksgiving (2nd Monday in October) where I invite fellow Canadian-Americans living in New Jersey. When my daughter was with her father on Christmas Day I created a Christmas Day hike tradition. I enjoyed coffee and sticky buns (a family tradition) in my PJ’s before getting dressed to hit the trail. Often, I came across other solo hikers just as happy to see me as I was to see them. On Christmas Eve, I enjoyed a walk through town with friends, a cup of chai tea or hot chocolate, appreciating the decorated shops and buying a few, last minute Christmas gifts. On Little House, the Ingalls bachelor friend, Mr. Edwards, walked miles through a blizzard just to bring Laura, Mary and Carrie Christmas presents. He enjoyed the look on the girls’ faces when they opened their gifts, a warm fire, Caroline’s (Ma’s) cooking and Pa’s fiddling! Any Christmas Day my daughter was with her father, I braved Rt. 1 traffic to cross the Delaware River from New Jersey to Pennsylvania to enjoy Christmas dinner with a friend and her family. My daughter is grown now and our holidays don’t always look the same, we create new traditions with new friends and old, in the spirit of the season.


How I wish I had embraced what I had always desired. I’m 66 years old and have always been drawn to a simpler time. Little House was always my favorite show (I own the entire DVD collection). Watching it over and over, I yearned to capture the joy of just having family around the table, especially at Thanksgiving. While our sons were growing up, that table always had the four grandparents around it…and though that was a huge blessing, I also experienced the equally huge pressure to have it grand and perfect. The china set, lace tablecloth, etc. Days of driving myself crazy to prepare the perfect home, the perfect meal. It is far more laid back now. It took me so many years to get to this. I would encourage anyone to do exactly as you have so eloquently written in this blog. To not strive for perfection is the perfect advice. Memories will be so much sweeter.


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